Beloved Heart:
Nature and Spirit Connection
Based in Berkshire County, Massachusetts

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What is Beloved Heart?
Beloved Heart: Nature and Spirit Connection exists to help open Hearts and connect people with their inner Being as well as the Natural World.
Through offerings including Forest Bathing, Heart-Based Meditation Classes, Spiritual Mentorship, and One-on-One Nature and Spirit Immersions, participants can experience a wide range of practices to deepen their connection and improve their well-being.
By connecting with our inner Being and the Natural World, we can open ourselves to greater peace, love, freedom, and joy, and walk through life with greater ease and appreciation.
Within each of us exists a doorway into true well-being, one that is sourced from beyond our external circumstances. Let us walk together down this path of our birthright- the right to a good life and a joyful inner space. Let us befriend our minds and awaken our Hearts to the gift of being alive. Let us find within ourselves and in the world around us the depth of Love that is eternally present. Let us free ourselves from our pain, and walk together into Joy.
This comes through opening our Hearts to the Beloved- that ineffable essence of Love and Beauty that permeates our world and our Being, weaving us together and offering ecstatic harmony.
Through this inner work, we can show up for ourselves, our communities, and for the world as a whole as agents of beauty and healing, spreading love and light wherever we go and blessing all who we encounter.

It is time to come back to the Heart
In the 1960s and 70s, society was faced with a variety of deep challenges- war and threat of nuclear deployment, rampant pollution and environmental destruction, inequality and social unrest, and political violence. In response, many wanted to engage in a different way of life- one of peace, love, and unity. These people created the “back to the land” movement with the intention of remembering our ancestral, loving ways and reconnecting with the abundant and joyful spirit of the Earth, as well as our True Nature.
Today, we again find ourselves at the nexus of many challenges- climate change, deep inequality, political polarization and violence, wars, a mental health and loneliness epidemic, and a widespread feeling of disillusionment. We again are faced with the option of returning to our roots- the roots of peace, love, and unity.
In this era, there is a clear path toward this vision. The path of the Beloved Heart. So, just as those 50 years ago went back to the Land, our mission today is to come back to the Heart.
In the Heart, we find a portal to the Beloved- to Joy, Compassion, Peace, Generosity, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Acceptance. This is important work, but not too serious. The most accurate way to determine your level of alignment with your Heart is how much you are enjoying life. Enjoyment means alignment. Enlightenment means enjoyment.
It is time for us as a society and people to now let our beloved Hearts lead the way. To pour forth the qualities of the Heart into our world and into the lives of ourselves and those around us. To show up for others, and for ourselves, from a place of deep love and care.
It is time to come back to the Heart.
This can be our highest purpose and greatest joy.

Guiding Principles
Holding Safe and Sacred Space
A top priority is holding space that feels safe and sacred to all those involved. Participants can expect to feel welcomed, honored, and held as you are, however you show up. Special emphasis is placed on embracing the sacred within us and around us.
Celebrating Life and Embracing Beauty
The world is full of beauty and wonder! Together, let’s celebrate the incredible gift of being alive and open our hearts to the awesome beauty that surrounds us. Part of healing is becoming present to all that is good, and there is A LOT of good in this world!
Honoring the Self
Every single one of us is beautiful. Within each of us is a bottomless depth of worthiness, enoughness, and perfection. Let us honor our inner Divinity and welcome our whole selves into our hearts with love and acceptance. Embrace yourself into your loving arms and know that you are safe.
Opening to Spirit
In the Heart exists a portal into the Divine Source. Each of us has within us this doorway into wholeness, unconditional love, oneness, and peace. We will work together to cultivate the opening to Spirit and the deep healing that this connection brings. Let us connect joyfully with our Greater Being and rest in the arms of the Beloved.
Gentleness and Compassion
Harshness and abrasiveness close the Heart, while gentleness and compassion open the Heart. Much of our world can seem inconsiderate, which leads to even more toxicity in response. Let us break this cycle and instead choose gentleness and compassion. Let us be instruments of the opening Heart. Let us be agents of Love.
Deepening Connection and Building Relationship
We are beings of relationship. Our wellness and our happiness are strongly linked to our level of connectivity. When we connect, we expand and we heal. Let us work to deepen our connection and build our relationship with ourselves, our community, and the Natural World. In doing so, we give ourselves the gift of well-being, and can feel more full in our experience of life.
Growing our Capacity for Love
Love is all around us and deep within us. Love is the fabric within which we exist, and is the foundation from which all things arise. As humans, we have the ability to cultivate our awareness and grow our capacity to embody this Love. By doing so, we bring healing to all Beings. By doing so, we bring Beauty and Compassion into the world. And by doing so, we become Free.
We are in this together! Let us walk side-by-side on this journey toward greater peace and freedom. Let us help each other, support each other, teach each other, and learn from each other. Let us link arms and link hearts and step together toward a full-hearted life.

Contact Zach
Feel free to reach out with any questions, requests for a call, or inquiries. I would love to hear from you and connect!